Eco Assets Manager
Free Water Saving Shower Heads
Free shower heads

Install a FREE water saving shower head in Victoria under the VEU program

All Victorian households are eligible to receive a free shower head under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. Installation is completed by a certified installer.

Victorian Energy Upgrades is an energy efficiency program designed by the Victorian Government to help businesses and households decrease their carbon footprint through incentive-driven renewable energy upgrades. Learn more about our service & the program by watching this short clip

Free shower heads

Are you eligible?

To be eligible, you need to:


Our Range of Approved Shower Heads


Emerald Planet Daintree Shower Head

Emerald Planet Melba Handheld Shower Head

Wash your water bills away with a FREE water saving shower head

Fill in this form to receive your free water saving shower head

Steps to receive your free shower head


1. Register

Complete the contact form above to see if you qualify for a discounted Hot Water Heat Pump.


2. Confirm

Once you complete the contact form one of the Australian Energy Savings team members will get in touch with you to confirm your eligibility.


3. Install

We will schedule the installation with you on a suitable time and day. Your existing hot water system will be left with you.